The Real Worry About Panspermia

Forward and backward Panspermia. Can alien bacteria and viruses thrive and infect us on Earth? Here are my findings! SUBSCRIBE for more space videos: Patreon: Facebook! Twitter! Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support Astrum! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Patreons can help pick the next Astrum .
- Where did viruses come from and why
Na tej stronie też widziałem stomatolog Lublin , zawsze coś przydatnego. - Panspermia is extremely unlikely. Look in to the experiment in which they put tartigrads on the tip of a bullet and fired it. If I remember the results correctly, the tartigrads never survived once their acceleration reached more than 0.85 m/s. This means it would be, very likely, impossible for any organism to survive an impact and cause panspermia that way.

I personally believe that it unlikely we will trigger a panspermia event ourselves, as life, at amy stage, from Earth is pretty specialized for Earth. Even in the event that we find another Earth-like planet with similar gravity, pressure and gas mix, there are still a ton of other factors, some known and most likely unknown, that would prevent simple life forms from taking hold.

I've always thought panspermia was a rather romantic idea of how life began on Earth and it's just as romantic to think that we will be that trigger for some other planet in the future.
- A little detail you forgot, it is not just cold, UV and vacuum of space, there is also the solar radiation from the sun that can kill said bacteria and virus. Beyond a certain range of Earth, there is quite a lot of radiation that can be even deadly for us humans. So, only in manned missions where there is a protection against radiation could have some bacteria surviving.
- the earth is a zoo, samples from all cornors
- Looking at my parents, i always sensed that they were in fact aliens.
- We are probably a product of some similar phenomenon
- What is the song in the intro? I cannot find it
- I hope no oragnic compounds ever reach earth
- Imagine how many Tardigrades there are on the Moon and Mars.
- What about fungal spores?
- I have seen that movie LIFE

Keep the dirt in space please.
- Vishnu God of Maintenance. Eternity the standard of maintenance, transcendental to the qualities of material nature, Hare Krishna Hara Hara Mahadev!!!
- 'Panspermia' has a value to study in advance. Congregation Uncles are doing researches for deep space explorations. Thank you!
- Wait a minute. If these so-called "scientists" can claim to know and understand the atmosphere composition and pressure on Mars, then why can't they test virus survival in a chamber that matches Mars-like conditions to see if they can retain their viability on that planet and others? Mercury and Venus are a cinch since no virus could survive those planets. We also know that virus couldn't survive the gas giants, so what really is the question? Are these "scientists" too incompetent to do testing in an ammonium atmosphere?
- Viruses are von Neumann machines and therefore the answer to the Fermi paradox.
- I'm here just to make it 1000 comments. Love the Channel, really compelling content @Astrum
- I would have thought the biggest concern would be space aids.
- So astronauts have herpes. Got it.
- remember when israel crashed a moon lander on the moon and spilled tardigrades everywhere? or when china grew plants on the dark side for a minute? if humans CAN contaminate other planetary bodies, they most certainly WILL.
- maybe viruses did come from panspermia but just integrated over billions of years