The Interior of Mars Is Finally Revealed!
While the exploration of the Martian surface has already revealed some breathtaking discoveries, the exact composition of the planet's interior has long been an unsolved mystery. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, NASA recently succeeded in getting a big step closer to deciphering this galactic mystery. Equipped with a seismometer and a heat flow probe, the InSight lander has been investigating the deeper rock layers of the Red Planet for almost .
- Yah and it's defiantly not what the picture looks like
- NASA can tell us all about the interior of Mars...WTF? What's in the interior of Earth's Moon? WTF?
- Bullshit
- "Galactic neighbor?" Think Solar neighbor would sound more correct.
- The video doesn't get to the meat and potatoes of the title until
6:36. This really should have been a 4 minute video.
6:13 Topography is pronounced as tah-PAH-grah-fee, not top-aw-grah-fee.
- It's a peanut
- It concludes Mars isnt a planet of the future its hostile & very dangerous to go their for human future
- I got some respect for this camera man
- we need to send walking ,talking robots to mars,send them all over the universe, no need to charge them,, they will have an atomic source of power,,if we go to mars,we are a dead duck,elon should send 3d printers to mars, and his big boring machine,and the robots would do all the work,
- It reminds me of how everything that exists can sustain itself in any condition as long as they're able to adapt. Pluto had to start with some reminisce of what it would take to create a planet so somehow it is alive. Js!
- Who cares the interior of this planet we got more important here in our planet.
- I love the images presented, but it is tremendously frustrating not to know what image is an authentic photo, and which is a simulation. It would be nice if each image had an inconspicuous tag in the bottom corner stating: "Live Image", or: "Simulation Image" (or some such label). The narrative is a bit obtuse and takes a deal of time to come to the point. A succinct and informative summary at the end of the video would be helpful. Thanks for these videos!
- What total crap..we can't even figure out how humans work so how do thay no this...nasal and all scientists make it up as thay go we all no this
- So if Mars has a molten iron-nickel core and rotation similar to Earth, why does it not have a significant magnetic field?
- 7inutes in and I still dont hear anything interesting.
- We don’t even know what’s in earths core how do they know about mars
- Lol if the planet is rusty there is NO LIFE, is the drill bit broke that seems to be be very hard to me.
Rust means metal, so Mars is a big metal ball lol and we are wasting time and money on a big metal ball or everyone is racing there to come back to sell us Mars metal rocks lol lol crazy🤔🤣🤣🤣
- Nasıl kalkacaksın altından çok merak ediyorum acı yok rocky ile mi 😁
- Potato