Scientists Fire Tardigrades Out of a Gun To Learn About Panspermia

I wrote a foreword for this awesome Sci-Fi book here: Get a Wonderful Person shirt: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an interesting experiment involving targigrades Paper: Support this channel on Patreon to .
- Water bear deep inside a meteor. Meteor immediately breaks upon impact with earth's atmosphere. Small fragment still containing water bear hits ocean further breaking up. Washing the water bear from the inside. Possibly surviving this?
Ja bym ci ich polecił spadek adwokat jak nie tu to szukajcie w necie. - If the encysted tardigrades were embedded in ice/slush (latter if more saline) that's part of a body that impacts another,
they could take higher (shock) g's from the cushioning.
- If these Tardigrades had some predictable and measurable behaviour - (i.e movement/proximity to some food source). Couldn't you fly a group of them out to outer moons and planets and get them to contact us? ... 'Hi! We're home and we're still up for having our dinner. - Tardi X'
- Maybe we could seed our most likely dead universe by shooting water bears at every planet lol. (In a safety capsule)
- But what if the critters are encased in ice and that this ice "fluffes" out on impact? I reckon ice water wouldn't not behave like many other solids
- It looks like (walks like) a microscopic dinosaur.!!!
- We need to launch a mission to save private tardy.
- What do they eat ?
- Looks like an event horizon t-shirt ? John-Michael Godier?
- This could be a problem where humans inwittingly infect other planets with these tardigrades and potentially mess up any eco system these planets may have.
- What about fungi spores or some other forms of life
- This is how planits git populated.
- The experiment with the two stage gun is interesting but I don't think it puts the panspermia hypothesis to rest. The bullet they were on simulates tardigrades on the surface of an asteroid slamming a planet. But what if they were several meters deep inside? The ballistics of such an impact are deformative so the energy transfer is not direct to the tardigrades and would be dissipated through out the rock. Maybe a tardigrade can survive the impact if the asteroid is large enough for it to protect inside?
- I wouldn't call it impossible just yet. There are ways they could be released into the atmosphere before impact. They don't have to survive the impact
- Be great if it could shoot out Qanon trippers out to space.
- Isn't the extreme heat during the way down through the atmosphere and the heat on impact a much bigger problem than acceleration? I don't think any living thing can adapt to surviving getting boiled at way more than 2000°C.
- Moss piglets
- Imagine an eruption on Europa w debris @ escape velocity on a trajectory 2 Jupiter's rings or Saturn's, or 2 Pluto? If only 1%, X 1%, X 1% survive somehow on/asteroid belt & then get blasted on new course, then I imagine it's a lot like Drakes equation. Also I believe they could also ride plasma conduits, or wormholes, CMEs, sound waves? They clearly have been Evolutionarily Selected 4 Space travel. I want a Smart body suit like theirs w/6 feet/wheels & invisibility.
- Bacteria and in preticular spore-forming bacteria is much less massive and much less complex organisms, and so could probebly still survive these impact velocitys. They sould redo the experiment with this in minde to set any kinde of restraints on the panspermia theorys.
- It would be wise to keep in mind that we (the scientists) are using tardigrades from our planet of course so the fact that these tardigrades can only survive an impact of that velocity only applies to well just that. My point is that if bacterial life exists or existed on another planet, moon, asteroid or any other object in space then those bacteria would obviously be different and could possibly survive a similar impact. Another great video, thanks Anton. ✌🏽