Saturn through my Telescope

---------Cameras and Gear Used To Shoot This Video ------- Telescope: Mount: Camera: Planetary Cam: Barlow Lense: DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video shows Saturn through my Telescope at .
- Check out and subscribe to my new Channel ASTRO Julian: 
I will upload new videos there!
- Uranus have some jealousy in me
- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life(John 3:16).
dear brothers n sisters the wages of our sins which is death(Romans 6:23) has been paid by Our Saviour Jesus, Through Jesus who is The Son of God through him we have got eternal life, the Price of all our sins have been paid through his sacrifice on that cross, now, what you have to do is to:-
Repent, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord(Acts 2:38)

If you wanna know if you are guilty of sin, then check from this mirror of morality, if you are morally right or not:
Disrespected Parents
Hated people
Got angry on people, anger=murder
Stolen something, even small,
Lusted after someone, lust=adultery
(There's more i can't put it here
- I will prefer to watch my neighbour's wife 👙👅💋👄
- Oh that’s cool!!!!!! Now Try it on the sun!!!!
- 1:50 how do u make it stacked and processed like that?
- I was in Greece in Leptokaria like 3 yeara ago,I was in museum and I also was watching moon and saturn through telescope
- Se ve distinto a lo que normalmente nos hacen ver por fotos
- Shani Graha
- how about you find me in the telescope
- Thks for not including me
- Love the music tho

What’s it called
- Happy Satur(n)day guys
- Saturn's Moons too!
- What is the telescope
- Just imagine how much that telescope costed
- I tell you what....i skipped the video (don't want to watch him setting things up).and i though thats an eyes..haha
- Ele fica tão pequeno quando visto de longe
- That’s so cool man! I pray we can afford a telescope so I can see this for myself and show my kids!
- It looks like an eye.