Saturn in Astrology: Meaning and Significations
Astrologer Diana Rose Harper joins the podcast to talk about the meaning of the planet Saturn in astrology, and what it signifies in a birth chart.
Saturn is the furthest planet that is visible to the naked eye, and so it is the last of the traditional planetary bodies in our ongoing series on the planets.
In astrology Saturn is generally said to signify contraction, constraints, rejection, exclusion, time, tradition, age, that which is old, co .
- Let us know in a separate comment below where Saturn is placed in your chart, and how it is worked out in your life!
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- As with this series, I especially enjoyed this one. Can I say every next one is my favourite? also Chris, I appreciate the depth, detail, discussion, history and exploration. I find the time to listen to the videos in their entirety. I also appreciate you being exactly who you are :) thank you so very much for these teachings and sharing.
- An interesting things about trees 'losing' their leaves … in fact, when a new leaf grows, at its attachment site is a perforated line. All leaves are born/grown to be 'cut off' one day. The process is called 'abscission' from the same root as scissors. “Did they jump or were they pushed?” They were pushed in order for the tree to survive, but not before nutrients are extracted. That's why leaves change colour. Very Saturnian imo
- Nice interview but way too many "you know" on both sides, it made the listening a bit harder this time.
- I loved this episode!! 😍
- Virgo ascendant, Mercury (r) Leo, conjunct sun in Leo, conjunct Saturn in virgo 12th, 12th, 12th unless using whole sign with Saturn shifting to 1st. Slight chance of a quintile with MC, regardless it’s primarily characterized by Mercury which isn’t surprising.
Regarding a mentioned Reddit criticism; I’ve gotten that related to writing and I’d say, on one hand, it’s a preference while saying on another that this episode is the 1st I’ll likely have to revisit because more “entertainment astrology” (just focus on explanation in an entertaining way) makes it blur with other planetary explanations. I’m focused on this podcast as a method to defrag many years of… contaminated interpretations(?). Can’t state better way to say it. I actually spent a long time wondering why my Saturn return was so nasty where I a cast made me actually look to find the Saturn return wasn’t anything that bad but a set of rough outer planet transits. My Saturn return was to realize my communication flow is better in writing among other things. I lean 12th because a big theme of that return was pushing things up into my conscious to deal with them so they didn’t indirectly hold me back. The retrograde should be noticeable by going out of order (lol), part of that Saturn return was trusting my intuition so I’m catching all of these by what my attention goes to.
Saturn and astrology? The first time I actually looked at an astrology wheel I viewed it as a psyche model instinctively, so I found it amusing that when I decided to deep dive into astrology one last time to form an actual opinion/read I was drawn to the Venus episode where I ignored it for months not wanting to get pulled back in yet. My criticisms of modern astrology had a framework in archetypal.
Saturn itself? It’s hard to isolate it, I know when I was 5 I was playing with toys where I had the usual life experience where adults would explain the world to me and I realized being an adult is no different than me playing in an imaginary reality with said toys; it’s just real life. The neighbor afraid of the USSR dropping a nuke raising the flag every morning where (when we moved to a new city) I was too young to understand maps being terrified I was moving to a hostile country that killed/starved it’s people. “You’re lucky you were born in the US of A.” I have a different individual archetype system than Jung individually, I watched the exorcist at maybe 4-5 that scared me where o grew attached to horror movies/stories; be it religion, Greek mythology, or whatever belief there’s no actual difference between that and the standard horror story.
9/11 to me was hope we’d see how fragile life was an how a small event can touch directly/indirectly everyone’s lives and the outcome was the worst of humanity surfacing and normalizing. The 08 crisis was similar but build on domestic divisions where I was suspicious of covid response because it actually looked like it would make us kinder/gentler people while not at all surprised it quickly turned into an excuse to divide and escalate hatred towards one another; that’s my Saturn which cares, becomes skeptical/cynical which also accepts that in order for there to be hope for better things need to be significantly worse and trust those natural processes.
Letting the podcast soak in, the similarities between Saturn and Pluto are likely why I’m having confusions where the Tarnas read on Pluto seems more accurate compared to modern.
Suggestion with criticisms: yes, personal tastes. But there’s something unique when someone has a need to make a preference comment directly towards the person as if the world revolves around them. In those cases a person is just unhappy/miserable and they want others to feel that way also; misery loves company.
- Diana 🖖
- thank u so much for this episide
- I have Saturn in late ( 24°) Aquarius tighly squared my Scorpio ascendant (23°) and Plluto in Scorpio (25°) from the 4th house. lets just say my relatinship to my family is not easy or warm.
- Love this talk! But disagree a little with the analysis of the word "inhibit". Inhibition definitely always has a negative connotation. I mean if you look at the synonyms in the dictionary, they are all pretty negative: "hampering, discouragement, obstruction, repression, suppression... " all very Saturn words! Even in biology it's still "negative". Not negative in the sense of bad morally but it is stopping the process of something, therefore removing something, therefore taking away = negative as in the mathematical negative. Yes you could use it as in "inhibit the virus" which is a good thing for us, but it is still a negative action towards the virus as it's stopping its process. It is a negative action, one that negates something.
- I love you two together, like the Moon episode, two great minds have come together to deliver an exquisite talk about our beloved Saturn. I laugh out loud when somebody remarked that you were too serious, well, he/she can just not listen to your knowledgeable podcasts. Simple.
- I have my Saturn and Venus (not conjunct) in Leo in the 5th house (my ascendent is at 0 degrees Aries 😆). I make golden jewelry and still now at 43 years, I feel I have so much to work and perfection in my craft 💎✨
- Does he, the podcast host, have also Saturn in 1st house?
- I related to most all the Saturnian negative illnesses I have Saturn Conjunct my sun square my Moon in Gemini breathing problems and chest infection asthma and copd its just started to kick off now I am 72 years and I am now also having problems with my GP and Social Services this makes my life even harder now.
I am in a wheelchair 24/7 I have Saturn in my second house in Virgo I have Leo Ascendant and my sun is in Leo I was put up for adoption age 7 but I didn't get adopted my parents split up when I was in hospital in a iron lung I nearly died I remember seeing while I was in the iron lung a long dark tunnel then a big bright light at the end of it and I said to myself age 2 I am not going to have much of a life and my parents have split up I got polio age 2, from the hospital I went to live in a school for disabled children my parents were not supportive of me I had 2 major operations on my spine 1 age 10 and 1 age 14 I nearly died from the second one I got a bravery badge for always being happy in the hospital I left school age 16 and I had to go it alone without any family support my life has been very hard.
But I hope whatever aspect or aspects are triggering my Saturn Conjunct my sun and square my Moon in Gemini will soon pass 😀
Thank so very much for this Saturn podcast and all your other podcasts phew my typing this has not been easy I have Neptune in my third house 😀
- Saturn has had a massive influence over relationships in my life. Saturn rules my 7th H and all of my romantic relationship timings correlate
exactly to transit Saturn aspecting my natal Saturn. I have met and lost people important to me when transit Saturn was opposite, trining, squaring etc, my natal Saturn. Sadly Saturn always adds themes of restrictions too.
Also, as a Leo rising I can see why so many Leo risings are drawn to you as an Aquarius rising, I appreciate your unique approach and thoroughness to astrology. The longer and more technical your podcasts are, the better ♄
- Re: Dave Grohl, having Mars in the 11th also seems to correspond to drumming in a band, and Scorpio corresponding to rising from the ashes of Nirvana (and from the death of a bandmate/friend) to form Foo Fighters. Drumming and Mars, man!
- The serious and academic tone of the podcast is exactly why I love it. I wish there was more such astrology content out there, particularly on youtube. Good thing websites like buzzfeed are in no short supply, so those who don't find the show appealing can find out what food they are based on their zodiac sign. 🙄😂
- Brilliant conversation. Thank You, 🌟
- Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th in a T-sq with Mars, Pluto in 10th and 1st. Very challenging family responsibilities that are not overtly mine but I pick up the pieces when others make immature, selfish decisions, like having children without having the means to take care of them. I can't stand to see child neglect because I experienced some in my own childhood.
- Can someone answer--around
52:00, Chris says there is a concept in Hellenistic astrology that having a well-placed malefic can mean benefits in your life coming at the expense of others. Does this refer to any malefic, just the malefic of sect, or the malefic out of sect? Thanks!