Richard Dawkins On Panspermia And The Origin Of Life ... Richard Dawkins On Panspermia And The Origin Of Life.
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Richard Dawkins at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on Monday, August 11, 2008. The interview was conducted by Paula Kirby.
Many thanks to Douglas Bogie Gray and Mirage Televisio .
- They all feel ridiculous saying panspermia with a straight face. What a dumb name...created and approved by perverts.
Jak dla mnie dość ciekawe, myśle że jest ok,
- P A N C O O M E R
- Stupidawkins is such an imbecile
- He didn't talk about panspermia though :-(
It's not news that there are lots of complex carbon chemicals and almost tarry sludge among the ices and dust of comets. Many of them and asteroids in general are very dark -almost like coal-dark, and for similar reason and with much similar sorts of chemistry but not tied into fossil critters.
That's not panspermia though.
- So..."I may sound intelligent with my accent...but talk completely out of my ass."
- Dawkins mentions that evidence shows us Carbon compounds- aka the building blocks of life- are surprisingly easy to form chemically, improving the odds of finding life elsewhere. Theist response in comments section? Logical and well-considered of course, with elegant replies such as "DAWKINS shut your stupid mouth!"
- Dawkins is an idiot, there is no such thing as organic soup,
a just so story
- Thanks for the question, Egon.
- Wow. Well I was a Christian but now, pshhh. Jesus who?
- Mockery is made of those who do not conform to the laws of the'church of progress', those brave academics who speak out, lose their tenures and get isolated from 'science' which is supposed to be objective. We now have 'celebrity' scientists like dawkins. I'm a scientist get me out of my ivory tower is now being planned by the fox network!! God must be dead!!
- nemuburro, its obvious that we are in a dark age at the moment. millions die from starvation every day on this planet. The wealth is in the hands of the few who control everything. 'Bread and games' for the masses have been replaced with video games, sport and reality tv. Dawkins and the church of progress are the new inquisition, Science is the new religion, it is a crime to question the reputations and theories of the bishops of science, safe in their ivory towers. tbc
- @dashan091 semantics, open ass, insert fist.
- @5tonyvvvv what a joke, anything to avoid reality. atheist aren't here to push problems out into space. a lot of people that discover scientific breakthroughs (that push faith and supernatural belief further onto the fringe) are believers. if things were left up to people like you we would still be in the dark ages thinking the world was flat and thunder came form angels bowling. on another note, who said there was aliens.
- @prime440 Again, supernatural = a relative term. Something supernatural requires someone who does not understand the nature of a certain event. Some other definition of supernatural is silly, since anything which is, is natural. If I could summon a goat from hell it would be natural. The scientific theory is for investigating what people think is. Constructivist science tries to create an image of the world in words. One can uncertainly claim supernaturality until shown to obey causal laws.
- @Kan2209 on the contrary scientific theory is used to try to propose an explanation to supernatural phenomena
- @prime It depends on what one means by god. Some individual and seperate particular man on a throne existing, a seperate entity from "matter" etc. This god is the god people try and assert, and this can be understood by man. If by god one means the entirety of what we investigate, if we would know everything there is to know, and that would = god, then sure thing. God is too much for us to possibly ever know. Supernaturality is relative, and thus is no argument.
- @Kan2209because science cant always explain supernatural phenomena humans are limited to thought process and usage of total brain functions GOD is unlimited if we as humans could explain GOD to an exact science he wouldnt be GOD. that is very logical.
- @prime440 ...because cases that are dead are able to rest quite soundly.
- @shantih433 i rest my case
- @prime440 Pasteur's religion did not conflict with his biochemical work, therefore he was cognitively 'allowed' to make new discoveries and accept new information. Religion doesn't interfere with free thought about all ideas, but rather only those that conflict with core beliefs. This is why, even thought the Earth truly revolved around the sun, many 16th century scientists couldn't accept it, because they weren't free to consider that possibility.