Japanese Space Mission Tanpopo That May Have Proved Panspermia

I wrote a foreword for this awesome Sci-Fi book here: https://amzn.to/3aGrg0I Get a Wonderful Person shirt: https://teespring.com/stores/whatdamath Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: paypal.me/whatdamath Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the conclusion to the incredible experiment by the Japanese scientists on top of International Space Station that provides a lot of evidence for the idea of .
- Fascinating.
- As a rule, aren't these viruses parasites? So they must have something to live on and what would that be on a shiny new sterile planet? More advanced life forms can "eat" rocks, but can any virus? Without something to live in, viruses can't evolve into actual life forms that can "eat" rocks. Just a thought.
- Has it not been established that forms of fungi can survive space? Where would animal life be without them? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
- The large draw actually admire because slime successively stitch over a rural camera. mature, ugly c-clamp
- You must see, "The ANDROMEDA STRAIN".
- Finally adults in space.
- In the beginning God.
- If you mix some of the proteins and amino acid and other building blocks. Add an electrical charge and they will start to Bond and evolve into life forms. In the right conditions. Whatever planet has a strong magnetic field and in the right place will produce life.
- I'm trying to think of something that would have enough energy to combine chemical precursors into life, like lightning, only in space, probably happened nearby, a while back...
- Have you guys ever thought of it, our oceans field up with all kind of life forms start from microscopic to giants. Time of tornados or water spouts water droplets goes up to upper atmosphere sometimes even outer space to.
- I always knew Aliens existed and they have visited Earth after all.
- I have to say, panspermia is about the dumbest waist of time , resources , and intellect ever. Did life start here were it is now on a large planet with multiple environments where it may have started, or some random rock floating in the harsh environment of space. Or worse yet to say perhaps it started on another planet, survived being ejected into soace by a huge collision , spent a long time in space untilll it found earth, rocketed all ablaze and crashed to the surface and still serviced to spread out into all yhats here now. That's frankly rediculous and even if it was found to be true your still left with the same question they seem to be trying desperately to avoid... How did life start there(rather than here )?
- Those bacteria came from heroshima.
- I am sure that life in some form is everywhere, in different forms and bandwidths. Some of those we can kind of understand that it is life but some are totally inaccessible for humans and we do not even recognize it as life. As matter of fact I guess that things without life CAN NOT exist.
- Futurama already covered this.
- but how on earth would any organism survive a meteroid impact?
- Oof the religious zealots are not gonna like this lol
- If we could learn to copy how the bacteria repairs its own DNA and do that on human DNA we could live for a very very very long time.
- OK but can bacteria survive entering a planet's atmosphere? wouldnt riding a meteorite be incredibly hot?
- Remember, too, that any organisms embedded in rock would be cryogenically frozen in space. The question is could they survive reentry to a new planet? Some meteorites actually land still cold.